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Author Name: Derek Deprey

For too long, our recognition of leadership has been reserved for a select few—presidents, CEOs, or historical icons. We have been captivated by charismatic figures on the cover of Forbes or viral sensations on social media.

But what about the everyday leaders who have shaped us on a personal level, the parents, mentors, teammates, and family members who have left an indelible mark on our lives? Let’s reimagine leadership to celebrate the silent influencers and recognize that each one of us possesses the power to lead.

Are you ready to step into your role as an everyday leader?

What You'll Learn in This Book
  • Understand the difference between micromanagement and everyday leadership and the importance of empowering and nurturing others.
  • Recognize the value of stepping outside one’s comfort zone to facilitate personal and professional growth.
  • Seek discomfort to lead to greater growth over time with strategies for gradually expanding one’s comfort zone through small, everyday actions.
  • Appreciate how individuals can have a profound impact on those around them regardless of their position or title, and show appreciation for those people in your life.
  • Discover the importance of finding one’s “why” or purpose as a leader beyond pursuing victories or accolades.
  • Understand how prioritizing the needs, growth, and happiness of others is a key aspect of effective everyday leadership. (It’s not about you.)


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